About Me

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Author of The Draca Wards Saga. Book One, Familiar Origins, is an award-winning YA fantasy novel. Book two, Plights, is currently available on Kindle.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

And so it begins...

I have been considering euthanasia for this blog. Ever since Google took over blogger.com, I have had a hard time with the layout, the pictures, and using the HTML. I have ditched several postings because I just have given up on tinkering with the site. The funny thing is, I seem to be the only person who is having these issues. Even my new blog, Writing Fantasy, is working fine. So I figured it would be best to just delete this blog and move on.

But then I began to read my old posts, and I became sentimental. It was as if the blog was staring at me with puppy-dog eyes, begging me to give it another chance. After all, I did put some TLC into it, and there are some nice memories involved. So I gave in to the awww, you poor thing feeling, and here I am, updating.

I will give you another chance, stubborn blog. I will go back and reflect on my past posts, and remember. I will update as best I can, but do not expect any earth-shattering prose or essays from me. See, I am busy, busier than even I expected to be, and my life is a classic case of ADD, where I am pulled away from my present tasks by either a rugrat, a phone call, an e-mail, or the doorbell. And once I am pulled away, I am adrift in an ocean of half-finished to-do items that I must get done.

And so it begins. My first novel of the Draca Wards saga is now for sale as an e-book on Kindle and Amazon. I will announce the print release as soon as it becomes available. And I can do a bit of shameless self-promotion here as well.
