About Me

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Author of The Draca Wards Saga. Book One, Familiar Origins, is an award-winning YA fantasy novel. Book two, Plights, is currently available on Kindle.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gadget Girl!

Well, there goes my bi-weekly blogging goal! I have been procrastinating, sort of, because I am trying to arrange it so that I can blog and post directly from my iTouch.

I am on my computer, so I have not quite reached that goal. But there are a few apps I think are promising. My favorite so far is Glue. It allows you to post on different sites, and you can ad as many feeds as you want. I would use it to post this entry right now, but I have not figured out whether Glue can post images, and I just had to upload this shot of my iTouch. He,he.

I love gadgets. I always try to get the latest and greatest, as long as it catches my attention and I know I can learn how to fully utilize it. But right now I feel that my iTouch will be the last mobile device I will be getting for a long time. That is, unless Apple decides to end its exclusive agreement with a certain company that I will never subscribe to.

We shall see how well Glue does for me. I will do my next post with it.
